Friday, November 30, 2018

Immigration troubles

Let's talk about immigration. There is a convoy of refugees in Mexico making their way to get into the U.S. President Trump has ordered troops to be posted to stop them from entering. These troops had to miss Thanksgiving with their families to protect the border. He has also given them the right to use force if necessary. This is a mess of problems that can be solved in a number of ways. First, build a wall from California to the bottom of Texas. We need a wall because there are thousands of illegal immigrants coming from Mexico each year. I am not saying that we should close our border to everyone but we should monitor who comes in to keep criminals and other bad entities from entering. No matter the cost, we need to secure our border. I agree with Trump on building a wall but I am not so sure on the cost. With a wall, we will be able to protect the border and not have to send troops to the border for security. Our immigration policy needs to change with the times. If there is one thing this country has, it is a problem with change. It takes forever for anything to change but our policy needs to change in a hurry. We are a country built by immigrants. We are all immigrants so it is hypocritical to close our borders due to our policy. We should accept all with open arms but keep an eye out for the bad apples in the bunch. We are a growing nation and there are still jobs that need to be filled. So I hope one day there is someone in the government who has the same views as me and is not afraid to create change.

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