Friday, October 5, 2018

Brett Kavanaugh's case

In the article How Brett Kavanaugh Failed by The Editorial Board within the New York Times, the author informs the reader about how the court hearing went south for Brett Kavanaugh. The author explained all of the different ways Brett Kavanaugh messed up in trying to clear his name. If the reader did not know what was going on with the Kavanaugh situation after reading the first couple of paragraphs in the article, the reader would be well informed enough to follow the next set of paragraphs. The author of the article gives many good details, including the reasons why Brett Kavanaugh did a poor job when he attempted to explain himself and the situation he was in. In a very negative way, the author gives his opinion on the answers Brett Kavanaugh gave, exclaiming about trust, and even to go so far as to calling Brett Kavanaugh a jerk, which is not very professional but gets the author’s point across nevertheless. After that, further into the article, the author dives into the history of Brett Kavanaugh as a Republican, which was very interesting to say the least, but shows what kind of man he used to be. Then the author goes into great detail about what happened to past nominees when they were nominated by past presidents and what it would it mean if Brett Kavanaugh was able to get into the Senate, which I did not find necessary because the whole point of the article was to explain how he failed to prove his innocence.  


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